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MIDI Clock

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Hello all!

This blog post is a little different than others I have posted. This one is about MIDI and the use of MIDI Clock. MIDI is not to be confused with DMX cable systems that most DJ lighting arrangements are handled by. MIDI does however provide creative options that can handle sound layering, and light management through the use of it’s clock-layer, MIDI Clock.

MIDI Clock is something I’ve been getting a grasp on as part of my side hobby in music technology. One day – back in summer 2014, a friend of mine showed me a video of an infamous techno artist Richie Hawtin. In his DJ set, he was layering very powerful effects and electronic musical layers for drastic-hyper changes to the rhythm of the set, along with personalized melodies as overlays in other tracks. See the video down below as example.

There is MIDI drift, so during your set, you would want to be mindful and occasionally re-calibrate(re-sync) your midi clock in your primary software so your music, effects, and lighting is still matching the beat.

The blog post I have here is supposed to be a basic entry to using the MIDI Clock technology, and I am by no means a music expert(Grade 2 lessons piano at best). That said I do hope this provides you with the efforts behind professional music artists, and with you yourself or anyone else you know who is into music technology.

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